Homework to Hobby

Homework to Hobby
An exhibition of design and art by Sac State’s Graphic Design students created outside of the classroom.
Exhibit Lounge
Exibition Dates: February 23, 2015 - March 19, 2015
Artist Statement
This exhibit takes a look at the creativity, passion and craft the juniors and seniors of the competitive Graphic Design program pursue outside of their studio classes. Even with rigorous projects, our students keep up their creativity and express it through various media.
The work on display been brought to the Exhibit Lounge by GRIDS (Graphic Resources and Information Design Students). The students of GRIDS want to show that even outside of their education, the graphic design students are dedicated to creativity and craft.
The GPHD program is an impacted two-year program within the College of Arts and Letters. Students must complete a series of lower division classes and submit a portfolio for an annual review in the spring semester to become one of the 40 students selected for the program. The program consists of faculty members with experience in the field, hands-on teaching, and classes geared towards professional practice. The students who graduate are equipped with knowledge and experience to creatively and visually solve communication problems.
Image Gallery
Quick Information
The Gallery
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